Artistic Directors Featured at Sun Valley Music Festival

Dear Friends,

With current events altering our performance options, we have been finding more opportunities to wear our SCMR hats, performing chamber music whenever possible. Over the next few weeks, this is particularly evident from our involvement with the Sun Valley Music Festival's incredible transformation to a fully online collection of beautifully produced and performed orchestral and expanded chamber music concerts.

We always enjoy our month in Sun Valley during the summer, making music with talented colleagues and good friends from all over the country, and while we miss being there in person, we are thrilled to have participated in this ground breaking virtual concert extravaganza!

The festival begins this evening at 8:30 est and we are part of every orchestra performance through August 19th. PLUS you can hear us as featured soloists on the dates below. These performances were recorded at Roberts Wesleyan College last month when renowned pianist, Orion Weiss, drove in from NJ to play with us - we were thrilled!  

Erik Behr and Juliana Athayde
Artistic Directors

Featured Solos:
Monday, 7/27: Juliana plays Meditation from Thais
Thursday, 8/6: Juliana plays Beethoven Sonata no.5, "Spring", for Violin and Piano
Tuesday, 8/11: Erik plays 2nd Schumann Romance

Meg Burton Tudman